Petr Novotny Apps

Deutsches Alphabet 3.3
Petr Novotny
Sprechende Deutsches Alphabet fürKinder.Speaking German alphabetfor children.
Alfabet Polski 3.2
Petr Novotny
Alfabet Polski dla dzieciPolish alphabet forchildren
Alfabeto Español 3.2
Petr Novotny
Hablando alfabeto español para losniños.Speaking Spanishalphabetfor children.
Alphabet Français 3.2
Petr Novotny
Parlant alphabet français pourlesenfants.Speaking Frenchalphabetfor children.
Bug Breeding 42
Petr Novotny
In the game Bug Breeding you will became an owner of a bug farm.The bug farm is located on the table in your kitchen. The aim ofthe game The aim of the game is to take care of the bugs. Bugs needfood, sweets, medicines and equipment. All items are sold in thestore for beetle coins. Coins are earned by selling bugs and bywinning at exhibitions. Feeding Bugs need to feed. Energy indicatorshows whether selected bug is hungry. Hungry bug will not search apartner. Hungry bug will gain low price during selling. Food isinserted by tapping with selected button with cutlery. When a bugeats, he makes a poo. Remove poo by tapping. Do not worry, it doesnot smell, try it. Happiness Happiness is increased by sweets,reproduction, contact with other bugs and cleaning. Sweet isinserted by tapping with selected button with sugar cube. IllnessBugs can become ill. Fortunately, every illness can be treatedusing medicine. The illness shortens bugs life and ill bug does notwant to reproduce. The bug can go blind. Blind bug can not findfood. Dangerous disease is rabies. Bug with rabies kills every bughe meets. Medicine is inserted by tapping with selected button witha phial. Reproduction Bugs want to reproduce. Desire to reproduceis connected to loneliness indicator. In case desire increases,male looks for a female and female looks for and male. Not everytime, when male meets a female a new bug will born. Females layeggs. The egg turns into worm and worm turns into a bug. You canstudy inheritance of body parts from parents to descendants. Bugcreation New species of bugs can be created in the laboratory.Created bug will bring new colors and shapes of body parts. Travelbox Travel box allows to send a bug to exhibition. The exhibitionsare organized over the world. Only a bug in good condition will berewarded by big money. Bowl with water The water bowl allows toclean bugs. Bugs like swimming, therefore happiness grows duringcleaning. Fence If you want to ensure that a certain pair of bugswill have a child, you can close the pair to the fence. Do notforget to feed the bugs. Reproduction of beetles requires patience.Do you have an idea what bugs should do? Write your idea to gamereview.
Draw Portrait from a Photo 71
Petr Novotny
Take photo or select an image. You can capture and draw yourself,your friend or your beloved pet. Use zoom and pan features to drawover lines and curves which you see in the selected image. Bepatient, draw just what you see not what you think that you draw.Use the eraser if some of your lines are wrong. Use Backgroundbutton during work to see your drawing. Use Share button to shareyour artwork on Facebook, Twitter, email... Your friends will beamazed by your skills. They will recognize who is on the imagewhile the drawing will keep your unique individuality. Backgroundimage is not part of the result drawing. This application is not animage filter, it is a drawing tool for creative people.
Connect the numbers 2 players
Petr Novotny
Drawing game for two players.
Pete the Pony goes home
Petr Novotny
Help to pony Pete to get home. Classic arcade game.
Paint Fight, 1 - 4 players 2.3
Petr Novotny
Paint Fight is an exciting and addictive battle game for one tofourplayers. Outwit your opponents by obliterating more offamouspaintins than they do whilst picking up additional points orpowersbefore they do. Famous images which you can obliterateinclude DaVinci's Mona Lisa, Botticelli's The Birth of Venus andother famousworks of art. This game is enjoyable at any age andprovidesadditional educational benefits of cultural appreciationand handeye co-ordination for younger players.
Petr Novotny
Educational game in which you will learn the basic principles ofgenetics